Mastering your goals

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Focus on your goals

At the end of a year everyone is setting goals for themselves. Some people do it because others do so and others actually want to achieve them. Setting a goal and working on it can be a hassle, but completely crushing it and attain the highest level of knowledge in it is an other form of pushing yourself.

The first thing to figure out is what goal you want to achieve and to what degree. Once you know how high you want to go you know you will have to push it extremely far to accomplish it. Does this sound motivating? No of course not, that is why you should never look at the big picture. The only two times you look at it are when you set the goal and when you achieve it. To master a goal you start by setting achievable mini-goals, so it doesn’t look like a huge impossible to achieve dream. The sooner you start taking steps the sooner you will be reaching a level that everyone is proud about.

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. – E. Joseph Cossman

A goal that you could have is moving to a foreign country and be building your life there with new people talking a different language. Looking at everything you need to do seems impossible but breaking it down will make things easier. First decide what country you want to move to. The only way you can make a good decision is to actually travel there and stay there for a while. Getting to know the country and the people there before you make it your life goal. While planning to move there you need to learn the language. Which will help you the next time you are travelling there. A second thing is to see what you require to either be renting or purchasing a place to live there. It is very important to know the area that you would move into. Never buy anything without first visiting it a couple of time at different times in the year. So you know any potential risks moving there.

When you want to master a goal you need to even look at the things that are not clear to most people. Moving to a different country will not require you just to be able to take an insurance in the country you are going to, but will also require you to know how the tax system works and which formalities you will have to fullfill to make the move. As with any goal mastery there is always something new that comes up that you will be able to learn. Having a goal mastered will also require to maintain your current level. For example being able to fluently speak a new language will need some upkeeping.

The benefit you have from having mastered a skill is that you don’t need to spend as much time on it as when you were learning it. You will only need to look at the new things coming out and coming back to what you have learned. With a language it can be speaking it, reading a book or writing something down.