Mind your thoughts they are powerful

what do you think about the most?

To become our own strongest version we love to talk about our goals and achievements. However rather than focussing on this more attention should be paid to what we think about.

Think about your last exam how you thought about before taking the exam and what the result was. Depending on how you thought about you likely performed similarly. If we are strong in a certain subject we know that we are strong and our ability to succeed increases. Unfortunately it also works the other way around, if you are not so great in a certain subject your mind wonders away and you’ll have less believe that you will succeed. The best example for this is math. Plenty of people dislike math, when they don’t like it they don’t like to put work into it and their performance will decrease. This is the reason why it’s important to have a teacher or someone you know and like explain how to solve the math problem.

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. – Swami Vivekananda

What occupies your mind occupies your life. This works in the negative but also positively. Think about something that you want to achieve and you will spend more time on it. For example the website you are reading this on. This website would never exist if it didn’t came up in my thougths. The more you think about it the more effort you put into creating the space. When you want to obtain your driving license you are thinking about it often so you want to drive a car more frequently. When you are going towards something you will volunteer to drive with someone sitting next to you helping you. You will even want to go drive specifically for the reason of learning to drive so the possibility of obtaining your driving license increases.

Determine what is important for you and think about it. From the moment you think about it you will know how to improve, spend more time on it and continue. Think positively about it and you will see the benefits rather quickly. An example is when you finished your studies and need a job. If you know your worth and think positively it will be easier to find a job you like and the employer will quickly understand what you are standing for. Something similar is if you set yourself a goal of wanting to buy your first home. If all you can think about is buying a home you are more likely to watch your spending and set a side more money to complete your goal. No matter what you are planning think about it and you will improve the speed at which you can obtain your goal.