Money leads you to success

Money success
Money attracts success

Money leads you to money, success leads you to success. But does money lead to success?

Last article we wrote was about obtaining success. The most superficial way towards success is the topic of today: money. The first hurdle to pass is getting to know what we mean by obtaining success by using money. It does not mean being able to buy the newest tesla, buying a yacht or buying a villa. What it does mean is that you have obtained the money which allows you to free up your time to do what is really important for you. It allows you to go for self-employment, chase your dreams or even to go help people without charging them anything for it.

A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money. – W. C. Fields

Let’s not make having money be the end goal, just the start. Having money doesn’t make you worth more than other people, the amount you have doesn’t make or break you. After obtaining money you just can create all the freedom that you need to do what you like how you want to do it.

Having more money in itself doesn’t have to show you are succesfull. However earning more money shows that people appreciate your work and are willing to pay more for it. The money only shows what you can do, and it is the extra benefit you get. Money isn’t supposed to be your goal neither your parameter of success. However when you receive it, it feels a reward for your hard work.

The next article will be about how health can be a a guidline for your success.