Not everything is important, ignore the small stuff and stay focussed

Can you watch through the lense or are you tempted to look away from it?

In life it’s important to set goals, how you reach them is your choice. There are many things that will distract us from the main goal, but these distractions aren’t important;

Let’s look at an example. If you want to become healthy you know that you have to start eating healthy and get some movement in. Regardless that these are the most important parts there are parts that we focus on more but that don’t add in anything helpfull. Social media is a pleasure for some, but on your journey to health it may be just a hindrance. Instead of using it as a positive platform it gets used more to look at people that reached their goal and keep on posting pictures of their end results. Instead of using this as motivation it’s often seen as how am I able to achieve this? On social media only the good things are being posted. So they may post their 3 healthy meals a day and you notice that you wont be able to do that to get that body. But the honest truth is that 9/10 post on social media are just the best things being posted. If they go and binge or snack on something unhealthy you will not seem them on social media.

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. – Alexander Graham Bell

All the distractions that life has to offer aren’t made to help us but are trying to move our sight to something else. An example is if you want to live independantly of others you have to use your money for survival. However if you meet up with your family, old friends, colleagues, you will more often than not see what the new thing is they bought. All these items are keeping your eye of the price. Instead of letting your sight be taken of your goal stay focussed and ignore the small things. Like the quote say above, we aren’t getting burned by the sun untill it’s focussed on one spot. It’s never easy to focus all your effort on one thing. However if you want to achieve something you will have to learn how to focus your attention.

If you look at a photographer they are focussing their lense on something very specific and that is the way how they make the nicest, coolest pictures. Consider a photographer going into nature and sitting at a place for hours, the most beautifull pictures are made by staying silent in nature, focussing on your task ahead and let the nature settle around you. Animals will no longer pay attention to you and show how they really act when freely in the nature. The person nearest to you who have obtained the greatest goals will acknowledge the fact they reached it by not paying attention to the small things but focussing on the big picture.