What do strangers have in common with your friends? Once upon a time you didn’t know any of them. You never know when stepping up to a stranger turns out to be the greatest decision of your life. You may just meet a lifetime friend.
When is the last time that you seen and spoke to a new person? If you are like me, it has problably been a while. Our society is mainly focussed around ourselves and even more around our phones. Would it hurt not looking on your phone and talking to strangers?
There are not strangers here; only friends you haven’t met yet. – William Butler Yeats
To allow yourself to meet new people there are a few steps you can undertake. firstly go out for a walk, a bike ride or doing any activity where it doesn’t matter how long it takes. If you plan for yourself to be out for a extended period of time you open yourself up for any opportunities to meet up with new people. Instead of just solely going to the supermarket to get the items you need and then going back home.
When you are early for an appointment, mainly when meeting up with friends, go stand or sit at the desired location. Instead of focussing on your phone to make sure you don’t miss any potential messages, look up and smile. By doing this you allow people to ask you for directions, ask you for help or give you a nice smile back. It doesn’t have to feel awkward to not be doing anything but enjoy your day outside.
After going through these steps you will feel more comfortable taking on situations how they show up. Slowly you will also feel inclined to actually approach people that are doing the same as you. They are looking around them, not hidden in their phone or book. You will notice that they are the people allowing you to approach them to have a conversation.
If you don’t feel comfortable to do any of these options yet, just prepare yourself to do them in the future. Shorten your screentime when you are outside, when you are with people and when you are alone. It will become easier.