Opening up to friends

talking with friends
Look for support with your friends

How are you? That is a standard sentence we use everywhere we go, we tell it at our workplace, to our parents, to strangers and even to our friends. The unfortunate thing is that because everyone uses it everywhere it has lost it’s value.

When you are going for a drink with your friends, especially when you are going with just one of your friends, open up to them. A lot of friends have been sticking with us for years, through situations wheere you would have never thought they would stay and through the fun times. Your friends are around you to enjoy the good things in life, but also to support you when something is going on in your life.

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

It’s easy to share the happy times with your friends because you want to spread the hapiness to them. Only when you consider each other as true friends you will be able to share your pain and troubles. You don’t have to be talking about yourself and your problems all the time. But you will know the time that you need their support. It is not an issue to call your friends to have a chat and find a workaround your problem or having someone listening to your story.

Friends will gladly attempt to lighten the burden of your shoulders. When succesfully passing through the problem you will have a better relationship. In the future you can look back to what happened and silently agree on the fact that you are doing better. At the same time you managed to trust your friend enough to share with them the hardship. This shows what a good friends you have become and will give them the incentive to do the same. By going through hardships together you friendship will become even more solid.