Opinions are just that opinions

If someone else tells you something are the right or wrong?

As people we love to tell others what we think about what they do and what they should do next. Everyone has it’s own opinion about any topic, and will more than likely share that opinion with anyone willing to listen.

When we are living our life like we want to everyone we meet will have something to say about our life and they will give us advice on what we could do better. It’s true that listening to someone what they have to say never hurts. Accept to listen to them and decide for yourself whether or not to follow what they tell you or do something you want to do. However you should never accept what anyone says as being the truth without thinking about it yourself. Even your boss, your colleague that worked here for 20 years, your parents, your teachers, any of them can be wrong. Just like you have been wrong on a topic you thought you were right they can have the same. Accept their opinion or advice and consider it.

Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality. – Les Brown

Sometimes someone puts an opinion about you out there which is actually wrong, don’t let that discourage you. Long ago a teacher told me that I was bad in a certain language but they saw I was working hard to do the best I could. While it may have been true, it demotivated me and made that opinion become my reality. Without listening to that opinion I would have worked harder than I did afterwards. Now I’m focussing more on that language and making up for the lost time. But don’t make the same mistake as me and never take the opinion of someone else as being your truth. At the same time remember this as well when you want to give your opinion to someone else. If they never said they were bad in something they may not feel it as that, it may just be a topic that they have to work more on than something else.

No one is good at everything, so accept that you’ll have to spend more on some topics than others. If you are aware what requires more time for you dedicate more time and effort on it to keep improving. If you work hard enough on one of your weaknesses it may become one of your strengths. As my language in the example above as turned into one of my best known languages. Don’t let the opinions of someone else discourage you. In an argument we look for reasons why we are correct and how we can turn the opinion of the other person around. There is hardly any situation that it positively impacts the people around you. The only moments it can help is in a debate on politics on what actions have to be taken next. The second place is in the court where depenending on the arguments the suspect will be convicted or not. A last situation where the opinion is important is at work, if your boss tells you do something a certain way but you know that would leave to the wrong results you will have to convince him to do it differently.