Pay attention to your closest friend

Find your friend that you are the closest with

With all the social media we are used to adding a lot of friends to our list of connections. However how many of those people you actually see regularly let alone once in your lifetime? It feels great to continue adding more people, unfortunately it also adds more clutter to your life. Trying to respond to people you have never seen and potentially even wishing them a happy birthday for years at end.

In life it’s crucial to spend time and energy in people and things that you love. It’s much better to go out with your closest friends instead of chatting online with people that you don’t have any really connection with. Having just a couple of friends but who you can count on day and night is much more important than knowing many but not being able to trust them. Find a close friend that you support and they can lean on you. In good times it’s easy to have people surround you, it’s those that stick around when things are difficult that will stay with you forever.

A true friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else. – Len Wein

Everyone has a full schedule of things and obligations to fulfill. So when your friends free up time to be with you despite they may have had something else planned be thankfull to them. One of those moments is when you normally meet up with your friends at a certain hour, but for some reason you want to meet up earlier or later. It may cause them some trouble to get around there activities, but because of you they will make it work. Eventhough they end up arriving at time they have to answer a phone call or two or sending som messages to make things work out. Especially if your friend normally rarely uses their phone you will know and appreciate that they made it work for you.

When you meet people who has lost friends you will notice how negatively this will impact someone. It’s key to realise how important your friends are for you. If your friendship has a challenge for example distance, you will realise quickly how great your friendship is. Only the best friendship can withstand such a difficult challenges. Despite having a great friendship you may take some time away from your friends due to circumstances. For example a relationship that doesn’t allow contact with your friends. When you recontact your old friends you will instantly know how great the friendship was and remained. The relationship will feel just as great as it was years ago.