Pick your information wisely and experiment!

It is better to follow nothing instead of the wrong information. 


While going for the perfect healthy mind and body it’s is essential to keep on learning. The more time we spend to deepen our knowledge about health the better we can help ourselves. However we have to be carefull on what information we will drive our actions upon. When you learned through books to start moving more, you will do great. However don’t get obsessed with doing cardio for 2 hours everyday because you read that it is effective. When you mindlessly follow information you will create more problems instead of solving them.

It’s thinking that I had the solution that probably created the problem in the first place. – Craig D. Lounsbrough

Find a source, any source, to start with. Make sure to check the legitimacy of the location of the information. If you have doubts about how correct the information is, look for a different method. Trusting websites our books that are untrustworthy are not only a waste of your time, but can also cause damage.

When you have information that you trust, search in other tools for the same information. Never forget to also check opposite opinions. Keep your mind open to new opportunities, but also keep it open for potential myth-bustings. There is nothing worse to find out after a couple of months, or years, that your method happens to be the unhealthy one.

Always check your information resource and make sure to use multiple locations. This is one of the ways to be thinking critically about your health knowledge. To get to know more about critical thinking read tomorrow’s article.