Positive distractions

positive hobbies

When studying for an important exam how often are you getting distracted? Chances are that you get distracted more often than you would like. But does getting distracted has to be negative?

There are two ways to look at being distracted. The first one is considering it as being a bad thing. You allow yourself to getting pulled away from doing the productive activity. Another way to look at it is by seeing it as taking a break to allow yourself to recharge your batteries and becoming more productive.

One way to boost our will power and focus is to manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us. – Daniel Goleman

It’s interesting to take a look at your distractions and to try and minimize the times you get distracted. Make sure that you control your situation, don’t get controlled by the distractions. Choose to take a break by doing something that doesn’t seem to be productive, but helps you in the long run.

A great example is thinking about what you will do during your break. Find a hobby that you are able to do in short bursts of time, without having to continue to do it for more than 30 minutes. You can pick up your music instrument to practise for 15 minutes at a time. Alternative you can go do a short workout routine, even bodyweighted, during your off-times. By doing this you will have new energy and you have actually spent your time usefully.