Positive mindset influences your life

Keep a positive mindset

When we are enduring a difficult situation it’s easy to get lost in the struggle and let our mind wander off. To turn the situation around it’s important to realise how we think about ourself and on obtaining a way to counter it.

Everyone strives for certain goals, it’s all possible if we aim for it. Simple goals can be done without the best mindset, but it’s impossible to maintain. For example building your health by being invited to your friends daily run. Your friend is motivating you to improve your health, but what happens when they get injured? You might continue for a couple of weeks but if it takes to long you will quit. On the other hand if you join them because you want to change yourself you will maintain the motivation to keep running.

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. – Joyce Meyer

When you believe in yourself anything is possible. How you think influences anything you plan to do. Trust in yourself and the results will come. An example of this is how you can stress for a presentation you have to give. There are some who are great at giving presentations, others are mediocre and others are not doing so well. I always used to be quiet one at school, but the more I believed in myself the better the presentations became. The point is that no one starts believing in themselves on something that is difficult for them untill they worked really hard on it. However you can start trusting yourself and the hard work can be added to become even better.

Another example for this is trying to obtain a driving license. Practise driving but also trust the process you have less stress that you will fail. Before you know it you all of a sudden receive your driving license. Which in turn will motivate you to push even harder on future goals. A different example is having a difficult job compared to your peers. You are challenging yourself by accepting a difficult job, potentially even a leadership role. It’s hard, but if your mindset is correct you will be able to perform under stress and even surpass what you thought was possible.