Preparation is half the work

Preparation makes light work

Completing something difficult requires us to think ahead, plan our steps and prepare. Cooking is a daily activity for many, for others it’s an impossible challenge to overcome. To make it easier on yourself prepare the ingredients and put the tools together.

Preparation is key for many activities in life. The best example for this is participating in an exam. You are following a course for an extended amount of time and after the course you have to take the exam. How well you do depends on how you perform under stress and how well you understand the information. The level of understanding changes based on the amount of preparation. Reading up on it and paying attention to the teacher will immensely improve your success rate on your exams. Subjects that you have already had can also improve your next ones. This way you can roll from on into the other with added benefits.

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet. – Bobby Unser

The power of preparation really shines when you least expect it. If you are building yourself without working towards a specific goals you will still enjoy big improvements. When an opportunity arises you are ready to grab it with 2 hands. Working on something without having an end goal in mind makes it more difficult, but it doesn’t matter it will be less rewarding. For example you could be learning a new language without thinking to move to that country or teaching that language. You never know what benefits it will bring. My personal benefit in this area is learning english and becoming a blogger because of it.

A similar example for an unexpected awesome return is to become good at math. It’s a subject that is disliked often, yet it comes in handy in many situations. When you are starting to earn money you can use your math knowledge to determine how important it is for you to save and invest. Instead of just seeing flat numbers you will understand the calculations of it, what it can bring for your future. This includes crunching the numbers at work and helping others with numerical problems. So don’t only think about your current situation but see how studying something could have unexpected benefits for your future. You are getting yourself ready for something you never thought was possible.