Prevent injuries as much as possible

avoid injuries
Workout smart so you can workout at age. 

When working out for an extended period of time it is impossible to prevent all injuries from happening. To stay consistent with your workouts it is helpfull to avoid injuries. Because we all know what happens when we get injured. We can’t workout for a while (or not as hard) and we will stay less motivated.

Injuries are part of the game, however it is best to decrease the seriousness of injuries. This can be done by learning more about your body. You can read as many articles as you want. But in the end you got to learn how your body reacts to something. Whenever you get injured be sure to think about ways how it could have been avoided. Learn from your mistakes, get to know your body from the inside out. When you know your body you will feel when you are doing too much and have to stop. You will also know when you can push slightly more with just little risk for a small injury.

Slight small injuries, and they will become none at all. – Thomas Fuller

Small injuries can be explained as signals from your body that you need a break. If you listen to your body you can get back to working out in a week or two. Instead of being forced to stop working out for 6 months you get away with 2 weeks of rest. It’s a form of art to know when to take a small break. In the long run your body will thank you for it. Your body will get stronger by avoiding going from injury to injury. More importantly your motivation will not get drained, so you will remain consistent with your workouts.

Next time you get a small injury, thank yourself for not pushing too hard. Enjoy your 5 months of extra training.