Prevent money being a hindrance

money hindrance
Avoid loans

As children we, sometimes, listen to what our parents tell us. When growing up our parents take care of us, teach us and help us avoid expensive mistakes.

With money you can but a lot, but what can you buy with loaned money? Anything you want can be bought with loaned money, however at what cost? It has become so normal to borrow money for going to university, to buy a new car or buying a new television. The benefit from  borrowing money is that even when you are in need of money you can still purchase the item you wanted. Unfortunately if used too often it will burn you. The problem is that you wont notice it before taking the loan. The total cost will will be clearly visible after a couple years in it or even when you did you last pay towards the debt.

Home life ceases to be free and beautiful as soon as it is founded on borrowing and debt. – Henrik Ibsen

With debt you are able to bridge a small amount of time. It would be better if you save money when you are doing well, for a time in the future. When you saved money you are able to skip the high payments a loan requires. Spending money on an expensive purchase can always have effects on your life. But add a loan on top of it and you will receive an extra burden, which will limit the freedom you have from this moment onwards.

Another method of purchasing something without having the money is by asking money to family and friends. However this should never be done. No matter how good your relationship is it will never be the same relationship as before. The person may not receive his money back, or they will but one the persons will feel different from that moment on. It may be the lender who feel better cause they did you a favour financially. Or you as a borrower might feel like you stay in debt to them even after repaying it.

If there is no other way than borrowing from them at least pay them interest so that they are equal. At the same time only borrow for emergencies like an unexpected medical bill or your car that breaks down all of a sudden.