Preventing getting sick

Preventing sickness
Prevention of sickness

With the Coronavirus out it is a good moment to look at possible ways to avoid getting sick. The first thing is by building your health up. The better your health is the higher chance you have to avoid getting sick or healing quicker then your peers.

The way you avoid getting sick is my improving your immune system. This can be done in a couple of ways, making sure that you have enough movement and eating healthy are the main methods to achieve a better health. The most underrated way of staying healthy is by maintaining a good sleeping routine. Make sure to have enough sleep and maintain good deep sleep. The second underrated method is by stepping away from a couple of activities. Like not smoking and not drinking (too much) alcohol.

Most of the time we think we’re sick, it’s all in the mind. – Thomas Wolfe

Our mind is a strong tool, a strong weapon, but it can also be a hindrance. When you are feeling you are becoming sick it’s very unlikely that you able to skip out on it. However if you believe how strong your body is and put your mind to it, you are able to postpone or even completely avoid it. For example when everyone is getting sick you can continue your normal routine with plenty of movement and healthy food.

Your emotional state and by extension your mental state can influence your immune system. Everyone remembers that stressfull moment where you got ill. When you are relaxed and have a positive mindset you are a long way towards remaining healthy for a longer peroid. The same thing counts for trying to heal from an ilness. If you have your mind on your side you can recover quicker than others. While they might struggle 2 weeks with a cold, you can recover on one day. The important thing is that you believe that you can.