Progress by allowing yourself to start over

Be prepared to start with a blank page

To reach a certain goal we tend to work towards it by attempting to build on what we already have. In some situations progress can be obtained by working on what we have built before, in other situations it isn’t enough.

An example when we are attempting to build our health we may have added some exercise in our life, but we failed to add a healthy meal plan. In order to become healthy it’s not necessary that we start from scratch again. Rather than doing that you can keep your exercise routine in place if it works and focus on implementing some healthy eating habits. A situation where it might be necessary to build again from the ground up is if you attempted to start a business but it failed. Instead of trying to start the same company again under a different name it may be important to start a different type of business or at least start over and think how you can do it better this time. If you stick to everything you know the second company may fail in the same way.

Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. – Khalil Gibran

After having done something a certain way we sometimes believe that we are a failure if we have to start over from scratch. However it’s the people that are willing to destroy what they think they had and start over who will actually succeed at what they were aiming for. If we believe we need to the exact same thing as before we are basicly doing this because we are afraid of what others will think if we have to start from zero again. While in all honestly you aren’t starting from zero again despite it may feel like it. You have some experiences now with your earlier attempt. If you focus doing the same you did before you may have the same bad results as before.

An example of this is if you had a job where you got fired due to the boss not believing in you and considered your to work too slow. Instead of being hurt about it and attempting to take the next step on top of what you did before this might the best time to go to a new job with a blank slate. Obviously you are taking both the positive and negative aspects from your last job with you. But instead of feeling you have to work with what you had you can open yourself up to your new colleagues and learn from them quickly how they do things and what will deiver you the best results. At the same time you are able to implement the positive things you learned from your last job. Without a doubt you can bring in new ideas to your new employer that can help them improve in some way. Dare to challenge yourself to become better instead of focussing so much on the past.