Reading books instead of online articles

Reading books
Enjoy reading on paper

What is the reason you choose to read this article instead of picking up a ‘real’ book?

In our current society online reading gets all the credit for obtaining knowledge. Don’t get me wrong it’s easy and suprisingly handy to be reading online and learning from anywhere. If desired you can even read new information from your phone. Which makes it really accessible at any moment. This helps you to be well informed anywhere you are.

The advantage of easy access of ebooks and audiobooks also makes it the disadvantage. It’s fast pace and accessibility makes it less enjoyable and relaxing. While it would technically be possible to read an incredible amount of ebooks it’s physically nearly impossible to do.

Digital reading will completely take over. It’s lightweight and it’s fantastic for sharing. Over time it will take over. – Bill Gates

More and more activities are being done electronically, the same goes for reading. Years ago the only method of reading was by reading a book, now information is being spread around many methods. For work or school we are already often scrolling on a browser, so why would you want to add a few more hours online?

Reading a book while holding it allows you to grab the book and to get that extra feeling compared to an online book. Having the books in your hands allow you to recall more of the information that it contains, while at the same time it gives you a better feeling of accomplishing something. With each page you turn you can see the remaining pages decrease. Another great ability that a book gives you is that it changes the pace of your life. Instead of scrolling online you can sit outside, not needing a charger and give your eyes much needed rest from your screentime.

Books, ebooks and audiobooks all have a place in our life. The digital methods are going to gain ground on the physical books. However don’t ditch the books yet, they deserve a spot on your priority list.