Real satisfaction comes from within

On the scale of hapiness where are you currently?

How happy are you really with your life? your initial happiness determines how well you are doing, but there are many ways to improve your happiness. A first method to improve it is by going for external happiness factors. These can be receiving presents from people, receiving compliments or going on a vacation with your family.

All of these improvements will help you, but it is only being produced by people that you love. They want to help you out and will do everything they can to improve your happiness. However to achieve true happiness it’s better to be having internal factors improve your life. Don’t expect your family, friends or partner to make you happy, but implement happiness in your life yourself.

Happiness is not something for the future; it is something you design your present. – Jim Rohn

You can get happy by implementing activities that you love doing. May it be helping out people, loving your job or hobbies. These are all activities you can do without requiring other people to do certain activities. No one can stop you from helping others or from enjoying your hobby.

The benefit from being happy from the inside out is that no one can take it away from you. You don’t require actions from others to maintain your current level of happiness. Any boosts coming from the outside will give you a temporary benefit of additional enjoyment.

No matter how you are getting your enjoyment try to add in some internal factors to keep the flow steady. Experiment with different actions and see which ones you prefer the most.

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