Realign yourself in order to avoid the same

Change ahead

Is your life exactly how you thought it should look like? Or is there room for improvement?

Everyone’s life is build different, most people have in common that there is always a part that can be improved. If you have reached huge success in your life you may not want to start over and switch things around. Don’t fix what isn’t broke, nothing needs fixing what isn’t broken. Because fixing something that isn’t broken will break. If you want different results why would you stick to doing the same things you did before? Doing the same things you have always done will reach you the same results you always had.

Don’t reinvent the wheel, just realign it. – Anthony J. D’Angelo

Often when we want to improve ourselves we assume that we have to start from scratch. While starting from scratch can have it’s advantages like starting out fresh and having quick improvements. Not having to restart from zero has greater benefits if you are not hindering your own growth. Staying with the same strong base helps you to keep yourself locked in. An example is if you are learning a new language, yes you are going to have to do a lot and learn a lot of new things. However any language you learn you can use some of the knowledge you have gained before.

If you set a certain goal for yourself but you have get to obtain that goal you might have distanced yourself from what you had to do. For example you are studying for a certain degree but last few exams haven’t gone as good as they used to go. It’s up to you to find the reasons behind this difference. Have you been lacking motivation, have you been enjoying yourself more than you have studied. In order to reach the goals that you have set for yourself realign yourself with the things that you know you have to do to complete your goals. Goals aren’t easy to achieve untill you realise what you have to do and you make it easy on yourself to obtain them. For example forcing yourself to obtain a certain goal before you stop studying.