Reduce wasting your time to reduce your stress

How do you fill up your time

Everyone has a limited amount of time in a day. How are you spending your time? Maybe even more important are you loving what you are doing in your time?

Unfortunately a day only has 24 hours, this even includes the time that you sleep, eat, go to work and so on. If you add in all these activities there is not a huge amount of time left. So if you are going to spend this little bit of time you have by complaining about your life, scrolling on social media and/or spending on an addiction you will have difficulty feeling that you have a satisfying life. Rather than spending your time for these and other unnecessary activities do something that is productive or something that gives you pleasure. Yes, a little bit of social media scrolling can be seen as some enjoyment, but don’t exaggerate with it.

Lost time is never found again. – Benjamin Franklin

Enjoying yourself is great, but if you extend yourself and the time you spend on it too much you will feel less happy. Instead of spending time for the sake of it you should try and find some habits or hobbies that improve yourself or the relationship with the people you like. For example doing anything with your friends or family will improve your relationship and will be enjoyable. When we are young we tend to spend a lot of time on anything that we want. However the older we become the more responsibilities we get and the fewer time we have to spend.

Imagine yourself being stressed, not much imagination needed, you have so much to do before next week. Despite having so much things you have to accomplish you fuel your addiction even more. This can be playing games, scrolling social media or laying in your couch with or without watching television. Relaxation is needed but it’s no longer relaxing if you are spending so much time on it that you are getting stressed that you wont be able to do what you planned. Look at your life very closely and think about the activities that bring you barely any joy but takes a lot of time. If you reduce or delete that activity you will be more relaxed.