Reevaluate your new-year resolutions

Speedometer - Reaching Your Goal
Stick to your goal

The first week of the new year is coming to it’s end. This is the perfect time to take a honest look at how good you did. Already achieved your goal? Hopefully not, cause that would mean that you didn’t set a goal, but just a step to a goal. If you have taken steps towards your goal then congratsulations taking the first step is a big hurdle.

Haven’t arrived at setting your first step yet? Figure out a small activity to implement your goal into your life. Don’t take a big step, looking for something very feasible that takes almost no time. Preferably something that you know you like or that leans very close to your daily routine. For instance if you want to achieve more mindfullness during your daily life don’t focus on the hardest activities. Don’t start with banning phone usage out of your life. Take a small amount of every single day to meditate. Instead of starting out with 10 or even 5 minutes, take it easy by meditating for 3 mins.

Goals help you channel your energy into action. – Les Brown

If you haven’t focussed on your goals to much yet, let’s change it. As mentioned it can be as easy as implementing something easy for just 3 minutes a day. When you take small steps it doesn’t feel like moving towards your goal, nevertheless you are slowly reaching it. Changing your life completely starts with the little things in life. Avoid starting to change your current habits at first. It is harder to change habits then it is to adopt new ones. Start small activities slowly turn them into habits that you implement in your day.

If you haven’t managed completing your goals last years think how this time will be different. Don’t think about your earlier attempts as failures. See them as a opportunity on learning how to improve this time. Carefully evaluate your earlier promises. If you tried on too many challenges at once, start with only one goal. When you succesfully add a habit, think about adding a new one. When you implemented a new one make sure you are ready for something extra.

Above all keep the joy in whatever you do. As long as you stay happy you will reach your goals without having second thoughts.