Reflect on your 2018

Take a look at the past year

The first few days of the new year have passed. It is time to look back at your experiences from the last year. A potential difficult but important step to take is to reflect on 2018.

We can consider all the positive changes that we went through in 2018 and extend that positive vibe into 2019. Let’s make a conscious decision to continue the road we are walking. The other parts of 2018 that are less positive are also worth reviewing. If there are things that you can avoid you can learn from those situations. Unfortunate events like the passing of a relative can’t be avoided. But neither should they be forgotten. Remember the happy moments and hold them close.

I’m reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose. – Kobe Bryant

If you decided to participate in new year’s resolutions let’s hope that you chose them by first reflecting on the year. Picked new year’s resolutions without thinking about how you did in 2018? No harm is done, you can still add new resolutions to your list. If you made your resolutions clear to everyone it can be even more rewarding. By adding new goals and following them through you will feel more satisfied. To spice up things even more, add a new goal without telling your friends and family. Achieving a ‘silent’ goal is followed by a lot of praising for obtaining something without mentioning you where going for it.

Creating a new year’s resolution does not mean you have to blindly go towards achieving the goal. Allow yourself some room to breathe and to live. It is much better that you gradually achieve your goals and maintain them, instead of rushing towards them in January, and giving them up in February. Think about all the resolution ‘good-start-of-the-year’ gymgoers. They all dive in extremely motivated to make the new year the year of the big changes.

Have you ever started a new year like this? Having the highest motivation ever during the first week of the year and then slowly but surely giving up? Wait for this friday to read up on how to avoid it this year and to finally achieve those long-awaited goals.