Reflect on your old goals and set new ones

Reflecting on goals
Reflecting on 2019 goals

How has 2019 been? Today is the perfect time to take a look at the list of your goals that you set for yourself at the end of 2018 or the start of 2019. It’s not just a list that you have to check if you completed them. Consider how close you got to your goals, even you got the achievement or even surpassed them. This is an important part in seeing how big of a goals you can set yourself for the new year.

With setting goals it’s important to realise how you want to set your goals. There are two mainstream methods. The first one is that you set up multiple small goals to achieve a bigger goal. For example do you want to get your driving licence in 2020? Split it up in learning the theory behind it, practising your driving and taking your exam. When you split your goals up you can already tick them off when completed parts. The other possibility is that you set really big goals that you might not achieve in a year. Setting your goals high can either motivate or demotivate you. If it’s the last one then don’t set to high goals. If you are like mee striving for the stars bring you a far way onto that goal.

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. – Confucius

It’s highly advisable to set your goals very big. There is a saying dream big or go home. Setting your goals at a high standard brings you to dreaming big. The art is to actually let this motivate you into reaching as close as possible to your goals. For example one my goals was improving the languages that I already learned. I could have stopped there, but I went further. Why stop there? Why not add new languages to the mix? It changes the way you think and it improves your connection with different countries and languages that you never heard before.

When it appears that you will not achieve you goals question the steps that you are taking. If you aren’t taking any of the steps reaching for the goal you should change your goal either into something different or divide it into smaller steps. It is not initial goal that you have to achieve but the one that you set yourself up to follow, no matter how much you alternated it during the year. This will allow you to be flexible and yet achieve the goals you always wanted.

Let your choice of goals not be influenced by what others want. If your family would see you focus more on your health it might be a legitimate request. We only have one body and we need to take care of it. For the rest you should focus on the things that you want to achieve. The goal that everyone wants you to get might be something you are not willing to go for yet. Then don’t sweat it and work up to it by achieving diffferent goals in the meanwhile.