
earn respect.png
Show respect and get it back in return

Being respected allows you to manage certain achievements that you wouldn’t be otherwise. It doesn’t sound unreasonable to give people respect so that you get it back. But what is the best way to show your respect?

One of the ways is by showing you trust the people around you that you follow their lead and do as they say. It tells them that you believe in them enough that you are willing to take a leap  of faith by copying their advise. It is not just following their advise blindly. It is figuring out that you respect their knowledge and experience enough that you follow their actions and are willing to do the same.

Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. – Albert Camus

There are multiple ways to achieve respect. Certain methods are easier than others, and some ways are more desireable to achieve than others. For example even cranky, disrespectable bosses will get respect for the things that they have achieved. However respect doesn’t last if you receive it only by seeing your results.

Respect can also turn into deep respect. First people can receive a standard amount of respect if they witness what achievements you have obtained. After that every other part of respect has to come from all the things you say and what you do. If you manage to do as you say the people around you will respect you more.