Reuse older products or waste

Find ways to reuse everyday items

Our society is focussed around buying, buying and continuing to buy everything that we see. If we get to choose we are looking at brand new created products to be enjoying the most out of our new purchase.

What is the real reason for us to buy new products? Buying new clothes do they really look that much better than already used ones? For suits and dresses to go to a party you might want to opt for a new one. But for your everyday clothing does it really need to be that expensive and so heavy on nature? Anything that has already been used locally has the advantage of no additional burden on our environment and being cheaper because the initial reduction in price has been taken by the first owner.

If you’re not buying recycled products, you’re not really recycling. – Ed Begley, Jr.

Recycling waste products is great. Don’t just throw away your waste but sort them into recycling bins. Recycling is a great boost for our environment. However the next step is to use products that seem to have already been used at the first glance. For example when you print something that only requires one side of the paper. What happens when you don’t need it anymore? You recycle the paper, but the second side of paper can still be used. Utilise it to practise a language, to write ideas for future activities, write your goals down or even write how you will use your budget this month.

When you have used the product a second time you have used it to the fullest. Another tip is to start buying items that have already had a first life. Great examples are books, electronics, cars and even tools for in house work. There is no real benefit of buying them brand new. Already used products are cheaper, heelp with the environment and you will start to appreciate the little things more. A lot of people buy their car at a garage coming straight from the factory. It is true these cars are less likely to break down and require repair costs. However with any car, used or brand new you can either be very lucky or very unlucky. A problem car will be sold very fast no matter if it is new or used.

If you don’t want a high mileage car go for one with just a small amount on the meter. This allows you to have the first owner take the first hit of depreciation. find out the reason why the car has been sold and you could potentially buy a car which might even be better than the new car you would have bought. Additionally you will have a nice discount on the chosen options from the first buyer. You can even shop used cars depending on their options or have more options than you wanted.