Rewarding yourself for obtaining achievements

What do you consider a reward?

In life we are all constantly busy doing a lot of activities, focussing on improving ourselves and to strive for certain goals. ¨Paying attention to your goals enables you to focus on them and have the best chance of completing them.

Completing goals will motivate you to continue on the path you are going down. However you have to be carefull to not zap all your energy and willpower to achieve certain milestones which forces you for a long time to recover afterwards. It’s pleasant to obtain your goals in one go, but it may demotivate you to start a new goal if you focussed too much. Instead of only going for your goals you should also take breaks to reward yourself. For example if you are working hard during the week you can have some down time in the weekend. This could be sleeping in a bit longer or going for a relaxing walk.

It’s very refreshing to go away and take a break, to clear your head, and just get into something else. – Francois Nars

Taking a break can be as easy as not doing what you are focussed on. Instead of constantly running to train for a marathon you can take breaks. This can still be training, but just something different, going for a walk or a bike ride will suffice to take some distance from your goal. Doing something completely different helps to clear up any headaches you have.

Taking breaks don’t move you further away from your goal. They rather allow you to stay consistent and to give you a breather when it becomes difficult. For example look at the time you are or were studying. Most like to keep on studying untill the exam arrives, some even end up staying busy the entire night. However taking a break and doing something else for a short amount of time will revitalise your energy and motivation you to study harder and smarter for the time remaining. The same thing can be said to allow yourself to get enough sleep. Your brain will be in a relaxed state and can perform better.