Rewire your brain for improving yourself


rewire your brain
Make new, lasting connections in your brain

The most beautifull part of the body is our brain. Without the power of our brain we would only be capable of doing the same things as any animal can do. It is not our body that can do amazing things, it is our mind that lets us experiment with new things and that can push our bodies to do extreme things.

Because our mind is so powerfull it is important to keep your mind occupied with the things that are crucial for you. Think positive and the good things will come your way. One of the ways of achieving the rewiring of your brain is by focussing on the good things. Doing activities that make you happy, will influence your dopamine levels in your brain. This feel going hormone will bring you joy and improve your life. The best example of this is working out. When you work out you directly improve your body, mind and above all your mindset.

Tears come from the heart and not from the brain. – Leonardo Da Vinci

Working on a great mindset is overlooked by a lot of people. But if you are going on a job interview, taking an exam or going for your driver license how you feel and how you think influences the result. Improving your mindset can be done in many ways. A tip for an important meeting or exam is to always think about the fact that, just arriving there (in time) and being present in that moment is already half of the work. For example if you have an exam it is extremely important that you arrive in time, so you don’t produce extra stress. But equally important is that you give your examinator a friendly, genuine smile that comes from your lips and ends at your eyes.

Whatever happened, whatever you have been going through you can change your mindset and change your future. Especially in a welfare state we are able to change our life around if we manage to think positive. Depending on what country you live in everyone contributes to helping out people that are having problems. But the system isn’t the one that will help you getting over your situation. You are the one with decisions to get you out of there.

Friday we will talk about how showing and sharing hapiness with people is a great habit to get into. What we can remember here is that certain habits will help you change your mindset to improve your life.


3 thoughts on “Rewire your brain for improving yourself”

  1. The brain is the most marvelous part of what makes us tick. To think that we can rewire it is as fascinating as it is possible. It does take practice though, and if we choose to experiment, we’ll be very surprised to find that we have the ability to use the various centers to our highest and best.

    What I love love love is finding new ways to grow additional brain cells. I believe this trick will come in handy as I grow older. I’m not only on board with keeping my own brain fit, but also assisting my fellow seniors [including those losing their faculties] to do the same!

    1. Yes, our brain is really special. I agree that is not easy to adapt our brain.
      I’m sure there are many people out there that are way more experienced in improving their brain.
      But starting to think about it and doing our best is a good start.

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