Save time by not looking on the social media

social media
Does your phone look like this?

Who doesn’t have social media these days? *Raises hand* Recently the time that we spend on social media has been the topic of discussion because of the pandemic. Everyone was at home some where lucky to be able to work from home Others unfortunately weren’t so blessed.

Everyone has been using the internet and social media to stay connected with friends and family. However when the situation has changed we should get back to spending as little time as possible on the internet. Take advantage of the things we have learned the last months. Happiness lies in small corners, going for a walk with friends or getting a drink is much better instead of sitting alone at home watching the screen.

The influence of social media is unbelievable. It’s sad to see – It’s a fake life that some people live. – Virgil Van Dijk

One of the biggest disadvantages of social media is how it shows us how life should be lived. Scrolling through social media shows you how big houses others have, how fit there are and how nice of a car you could have. Yet it doesn’t show if they rented the car for a day, they rent the house for an absurdly high amount. Don’t get pulled into a negative spiral by believing everything you see. On social media you can show off a lot, without actually owning the product.

Being present on social media unfortunately takes a lot of time. You can determine for yourself how much you want to use it, or it you would step away from it all together. Personally I gave up on social media a long time ago. It creates plenty of time to spend on learning new things and enjoying yourself in different ways. One of them which is weird to others. When you join someone for a meal or a walk your phone is no longer needed. You can enjoy yourself and the other without having to think about what happens on the (fake) world of the social media. It gives you back your freedom.