See an opportunity in the difficult situations

Does this image looks like an issue or a possibility?

Difficult situations happen more often than we would like. However any situation can be turned into something positive, into an opportunity.

If something is challenging you may consider it as too difficult and not worth to spend your time on it. Despite the situation may not look like anything that can be beneficial there is always something hidden beneat the hard shell. As example working out can be heavy on your body but it will make your body and mind stronger to take on more challenging situations. A second example is if your employer is very strict in how you must perform you are learning how to perform the tasks to the best of your abilities. While learning with a lenient employer might feel more relaxing it also could enstill bad habits in your working mindset. It’s better to experience the difficult and perform at the same high quality when you move jobs.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. – Henry Ford

If we fail to succeed at something we see it as a complete failure. However failing is never the end, you should look it as being the beginning part of something new. Not finishing something allows you to start over and to be attempt to succeed this time. After a first attempt you’ll have more experience knowing what didn’t work and having learned something new that you could apply. An example is trying to become healthy but not succeeding to stick with your current mealplan that someone else has set for you. While the mealplan they created might be the “perfect” mealplan to eat healthy. However the mealplan will only work if it sticks for you.

Every difficult situation in life will allow you to improve your situation. Any moment has multiple different ways of looking at it. For example there could be a reason that one of your family members has to decrease the amount of work they can perform on a weekly basis. While you could see it as a curse, from the other side this will allow you to build your skills sooner. Don’t look at the bad consequences alone, but also look at the possibilities it could create. The more often you consider the possibilities the quicker you will notice the options you have and how you can become better from it.