Set extreme goals that set you on fire

What are the goals that get you going? 

Setting goals are important to become great at what you do. Without them you are just following the guidelines of others and become what they want you to be. This isn’t beneficial for anyone. Not for you, neither for the one who pushed the goals. If you aren’t the one setting the goals you will not feel in tune with the achievement. There will be no wish to achieve it and if obtainable you wont like it.

Think about anyone achieving greatness what they all have in common is that they set big goals to achieve. The advantage is that you know what direction you are heading and you have the end goal in mind during all the steps you take. Only thinking about the big goal can boost you keep on pushing. If you struggle at times make sure to set small stepping stones on your way to success.

Let your joy be in your journey – not in some distant goal. – Tim Cook

Setting the big goal will likely motivate you to push. However to keep enjoyment present attempt to like the steps you are taking. For example you want to become lawyer. The first step to take is obtaining your degree. There are multiple ways of going through it. Because it’s so important for you it’s tempting to focus on it entirely and not considering how much effort you put in it and refusing to relax. This might improve your chances on a couple of exams. But it’s not manageable in the long run. If you are able to obtain your degree this way the stress on your  first job might become too much to bear.

Instead of solely focussing on your goal consider how you are doing and how stressed or relaxed you are. If you are constantly relaxed you have room to push harder. Being under stress all the time doesn’t help you in the long run, with a high level of stress find a way to relax. Big goals aren’t achieved by pushing 3 months, they require a long struggle and consistancy on what is important. For example if you set a goal to become a millionare it doesn’t suffice if you work a job for 10 years and continue to consume as much as the society does. Neither will it be enough to save your way to become rich. You will have to take a focussed and long turn approach and take risks that you are willing to take.


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