Set smart goals

Which goals did you obtain this year? 

The end of the year is coming close now. So it’s that time of the year again to consider what you want to use your time for and how to accomplish this. More and more people start to implement goal setting in their life. This is great and you can accomplish many things from it, however it’s also important to start implementing smart goals instead of just setting any guideline in place.

One of the goals could be to become healthy in 2022. Instead of this very wide goal decide what amount of distance you want to be able to run, how strong you have become or how healthy you can eat. The more specific your goal is the easier you can measure how close you are and what the next step should be. Another component of smart goal setting is to avoid setting goals that others propose to you. However when someone proposes a certain goal you shouldn’t instantly refure it. If you can see the importance of the goal and want to achieve it then nothing holds you back from going for it.

Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another. – John Dewey

When you set a goal always think about the potential future goals. Completing a certain goal doesn’t have to mean you finish, it rather is the start of something new. For example your goal could be to be able to understand people speaking a different language. If this is your end goal you will reach it and let your language knowledge slip away. However if you know that there are further goals to go for you can continue to push further. The next goal can be to speak to them, to understand the language through the phone without context, to understand any subject they could bring up, to go towards native speaking level and to implement the language in multiple parts of your life so you can continue to use and improve your language knowledge.

Besides setting smart goals you should also consider not being to hard on yourself. If you have set many goals for yourself last year and didn’t complete everything you may have set too many things at once. If you haven’t completed your goal but have achieved a couple of steps towards it you may have set your expectations to high. Make sure to not set to difficult goals so you’ll be demotivated to continue setting and achieving other goals. The desire is not to set many and important goals. However you should strive for the best growth possible. Both in terms of your goals and for yourself.