Set your goals high

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Aim high

What goals have you set for yourself? Maybe even more important, how challenging are they? We all have goals in different levels of difficulty.

Setting goals for yourself don’t have to be solely goals that you know you can achieve. Preparing a new goal is also about setting a high standard for yourself trying to surpass the people around you and the people you look up to. Having a difficult goal may prevent you from ticking off the box rapidly. However the goal is not to tick of the box but to achieve your goal or achieving as much as you can towards it if you have set the hard to reach goals.

You have to think anyway, so why not think big? – Donald Trump

When you have set a certain goal for yourself you can start to aim towards achieving the goal the best way possible. But while you are going for that goal why not set a bigger goal that you can achieve after reaching your first achievement? For example a goal you can set for yourself is to become healthy. The goal is finished when you meet the goal you set for yourself, but what happens after that? It may be able to do a marathon, lift a certain amount of weight or reaching a certain body weight. The thing we often forget with setting a goal is that we tend to ignore the route towards you goal and see reaching the goal as the endgoal, where anything else is unimportant.

When completing your goal you have three choices. Maintain your achievement, relax a bit or set a next goal. It’s highly advisable to at least maintain what you have achieved, otherwise you can just throw away all the gains you worked so hard for. While setting goals I deliberately set them higher, so I still have something to work on after my initial goal is reached.

Let’s talk about a higher goal than you would normally set. One of the examples is achieving a driver’s license. For most people it is the end goal to be allowed to drive a car at any point. However you can also set a higher standard for yourself, to become a very safe proficient driver. Receiving your driver license doesn’t make you a safe driver. It shows that you have enough capacity and skill to be able to drive safe during the examination. However every situation is different and needs a different action from you the driver.

You can see the driver license as just the beginning. The same can be said from achieving your diplome. It sets you up for starting to get a job and to continue your journey.