Setting boundaries

Set boundaries for yourself

Life has so many challenges. Everyone has their limits that they shouldn’t exceed. Our last article was written about testing out your boundaries. It is only when you realise which borders you shouldn’t exceed that you know how far you are allowed to go.

There are many boundaries that you can set for yourself, here are a few. Food, you determine how healthy or unhealthy you want to go. This can go hand in hand with the second boundary: how fit do you want to be? If you want to be able to run a marathon you need to take care of your cardio and what food you eat. If you are only doing the daily activities an ultra healthy body is not neccesary. It will suffice if you eat healthy a couple days in the week and take a cheat meal here and there.

The middle of the road is where the white line is – and that’s the worst place to drive. – Robert Frost

The quote above shows why there should be boundaries you have to set. if you drive on the line seperating two lanes you aren’t going to be driving for a long time. The same thing can be said for your personal boundaries. For example if you never eat more than 2 cheat meals a weak you shouldn’t be increasing it, or you would increase your weight as well.

Boundaries are set to not surpass them and to keep yourself in check. It can come in all shapes and forms. Other limits are for example your alcohol consumption, the maximum speed you drive or how much extra time you spend at school or at work. Even positive things can be done too much. If you are working out 3-5 times that is fine, but working every day of the week is impossible, or you would need a deload week every 2 weeks. As long as you know your boundaries you know where you have to stop to not get injured or having to stop with your passion.