Share your emotions with friends

Show your emotions

We are supposed to support our friends in good and difficult situations. At the same time your friends are their to do the same for you.

If you are not happy with something, be sure to tell them clearly, so there are no misunderstandings. For example when you meet with your friends at the place of one of them at 8 pm. Let’s say it’s a 30 min drive there, at 7:45 they decide to move the location of the meetup. This would mean that you have to drive back. Having this happen once is no problem, but it shouldn’t become a habit.

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Instead of just silently accepting your friends to change a meeting last minute, be clear to them that it shouldn’t happen at a frequent basis. Your time is equally important as theirs. Ask them to let you know maximum about 10 mins before you would normally leave your house. This way you might have not seen it before you step in your car. But atleast there is the possibility that you see it in time, so that you don’t have to waste your time and start the evening in a bad way.

The best friendships have lines everyone knows not to pass. The benefit of being friends is that someone surpasses the line and is honest about it forgiveness is easier given than to someone else. Another benefit is that the lines can be solid all the time, but can be deviated from depending on the situation. An example is not allowing people to let you wait. Your friend that is always on time or even early all the time can has a day that he or she is late. Without even saying anything you know that it must have been caused by external situations or your friend had “one of those days”.

Just like friendships themselves the lines you set out are giving and taking. If you pass a line you know your friend will likely forgive you, yet don’t forget about it, because at some point they will do the same.