Who hasn’t done it before, planning a big goal and telling your friends or family about it. It is so tempting to tell everyone about your achievement and your plans. However when you are talking about it you will feel as you already achieved the goal, without actually obtaining it.
It’s true friend and family can give you support to help you achieve your goals. They might even keep you accountable for achiving your goal. Unfortunately it’s not the way to complete all your opportunities the right way. The biggest difficulty about telling everyone about your goals is that you might change them while working at them. You might even consider all the in- and outs about your goal and decide to abandon it all together. Your current goal doesn’t has to be the perfect one, if you haven’t announced it, you aren’t losing face on skipping out of your goal.
You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals – George S. Patton
When you speak about your goals to anyone you will notice that some people tend to hinder your progress. Either they tell you that you should focus on something different or they let you kindly know that your goal is unachievable. Due to these possibly negative connections try to keep your goals silently for as long as you want. At least try to keep your goal silent untill you have made a good amount of steps towards achieving it.
Not mentioning your goal has the benefit of allowing you to downscale on your goal but also to raise your goal. You wont have to spend energy on trying to explain the change in your goal if you never mentioned it. People will see you striving for a goal, a slight alteration in your vision is not visible in the big picture of life.
One reason that you could use for telling people is the principle ‘law of attraction’, the more time you spend on something and thinking about it the easier it will become. it is true if you do something often and think about it you will tend doing it more. This doesn’t require you to actually talk about it. Achieving your goal no matter how hard can be done by just visualizing your intentions.
Hopefully from reading this article you decide to keep your goals silent for a longer time.