Sleeping to recover

Do you like sleeping?

Some parts of building our health can be challenging, luckily there are components that are easier to fulfill. There are people who like the movement, others like the healthy eating. Unfortunately not many people like both of them.

One part of health can be a pleasant surpise. When we were younger we slept many hours, when we get older we either start to staying up later or start waking up earlier. While we continue to getting busier and busier our sleeping shedule will deteriorate. Some people seem to have enough with 6-hours nights. However a sleep that takes more hours will revitalize you and will be very enjoyable. If recovery requires you to sleep more hours it might be tight squeeze to change your routine, but with a better sleep you will perform all activities better and quicker than before.

Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. – Thomas Dekker

Instead of trying to focus to get at least 8 hours each night start scalling up your rest by a little each week. Start with going to bed 10 minutes earlier, it might seem like a worthless attempt. However great habits are not implemented by going from a 0 to a 100 in one go. Take small steps rather than one big and fail the next week. Take a look at your shedule where you can win some time to add more rest during the night. If your most productive hours are in the evening change your morning routine. Instead of scrolling social media for 30 mins, adjust it to 15 to 20 minutes or remove it altogether.

Sleep is an essential building block required for improving and sustaining your health. Without sleep our body and mind will refuse to continue to work. During the day our body and mind undergoes a lot of stress. Our body and mind needs to recover from this and relax by not having to do anything at all for some time. If you have a busy day just allowing yourself some time alone to completely come to a stop allows you to recover. However a good night’s sleep will trump any type of rest you can add to your life. Without sleep no one can fuction, so you can imagine how sleep will improve every second of your life.