Some limits benefit you

Do your limits block you or help you? 

The initial wisdom is that limiting yourself hinders your growth and success. If you set a limit on yourself that you will never be able to get a certain degree, succeed at a certain job or accomplish a certain task then the limitation is detrimental to yourself.

Despite that most limits are negative there are some limits that you can set to help you improve yourself. For example only accept a certain amount of help on things that you want to do yourself. It’s great to have your parents help you get on your own feet. How long this takes depends on your situation. But what you shouldn’t do is taking their help for granted and throwing away the money that you are earning. Rather be smart with your money so you can go and experience the world on your own. While helping others is great everything has it’s limits. If your friends need some (financial) help to get through a difficult situation go ahead and help them. However if you are aware that the money will be used for a bad habit like drinking a lot of alcohol or used for luxury there is no need to give your money.

Try to keep your mind open to possibilities and your mouth closed on matters that you don’t know about. Limit your ‘always’ and your ‘nevers.’ – Amy Poehler

There is no reason to believe that limitations are always bad. One of the situations where a limit can be beneficial or a problem is in fitness. If you think that you wont be able to accomplish anything even a healthy life then the limitation hinders your future improvements. However if you are feeling limited on a certain day that you would get injured if you continue, then taking a break to continue on a different day may be the smart decision. This shows that a temporary limit will help you to continue improving on a later moment. You are not preventing your own growth but taking a moment to recover to be able to hit your goal harder later on.

Another place where a limit can be beneficial to you is by limiting bad things in life. Instead of drinking alcohol every night, you can opt for going out with friends once or twice a week. One time you can drink a bit more and the other time you can either skip drinking or just have a drink with your meal. The story about limits is mainly focussed on what limit you are speaking about and if there is a possibility for it to benefit you or only has negative effects. Look at your own situation and find a way to use limits to your benefit.