Stand your ground

Maintain your principles

People who stick to their principles despite the circumstances are rare. Sometimes it seems that we are losing popularity or friends and family when we stick to our principles. However, the ones that should be important in your life are the ones that will remain at your side.

One example is if you decide to start eating healthier or no longer want to drink when going out. Your friends that you go out with to get a drink will resent the change. They are afraid that the great night’s out will no longer exist because you will change. However your true friends will continue to go out with you.When you are meeting new people they will instantly have to look you for who you are instead of faking yourself to get new friends. If they respect your principles they will remain your friends forever. The circumstances may vary, you will enjoy yourself in a different way but the pleasure remains.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. – Thomas Jefferson

In these days many people tend to follow the group and rarely follow their instinct. One of the reasons for this is that everyone puts their life on social media and consider how good their actions are depending on the likes and the reactions. While obtaining something great is rarely accepted by huge appreciation at the start. It’s rather putting the hard work in despite what everyone else says that will deliver results. Instead of focussing so much on how people think about you do what you like and do what is required to obtain your goals.

It’s difficult to remain with your principles despite the circumstances. Yet your consistency and character will show by retaining your principles. At first a lot of people will look at you strange and won’t stop criticizing you for them. However the people that are really worth it will accept you for who you are and for the principles that you stick with. Another example of sticking to your principles is continueing to drive an old reliable car while all your friends start buying new cars to show off. While they may be driving the nicer car you know that you finances will remain strong for many years to come.


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