Start aiming for the difficult goal by starting an easy activity to work towards it

Do you wonder what the finish looks like?

The interesting achievements in life aren’t achieved by standing around or by continously doing the easy activities.

To aim for something difficult the best start is to find something easy for you to start with. An example is if you finished your studies and you all of sudden realise you want to start a business on your own you may not want to start it from scratch without having worked somewhere before. The easy start for it is to look for a job during the daytime so you have a constant amount of money coming in and starting your business on the side. Sometimes you will even have to offer some growth up for starting easy and giving yourself the time to grow. Starting a business where you sell to customers in a physical job or even online requires you to have after sale customer service. This might not be so simple while having a full time job. So the best thing to consider is to work for someone else in a shop and learn a couple of things before starting on your own.

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lao Tzu

What the example of starting the business shows is that you sometimes have to work on improving yourself and your skills before plunging in the deep. Start out easy and build yourself up slowly but steadily. When starting a business is your goal don’t be afraid of starting a business that might not seem to be worth it anymore in 6 months. Almost no business owner created their best business as their first business. The pandemic has teached many people that your earnings from last year don’t reflect what you will earn the next year. Use these exceptional times as a warning to always be prepared as good as you can for potential difficult times.

The first steps you take regardless of the end goal are small steps but they are the start of something new. This includes all situations of life: becoming healthy, learning a new skill, starting a business and so on. The simple easy steps you take as first are the most important ones to aim for growth. Focus on staying persistent on the taking the small steps and enjoying the journey. If you solely focus on the end goal you might get burned out. However if you enjoy what you are doing you will stay motivated and will see all the growth you need. At the same time you are enjoying what you are doing and you will motivate others to join you.