Start looking inside instead of looking around yourself

Do you dare to look inside of yourself?

People are vastly different one from the other. You are completely different from the next person. So if you do something do you worry that the other person is thinking about your actions?

Looking at what others do and what they might think of you aren’t going to improve your life. Stop looking at everything that is happening around you but start to look inside of yourself. There are some parts in life that we can’t control, this are external factors. The things we can control are often forgotten, they are inside of us. We can determine how we feel, what we think and how we react on those feeling by taking action. If we continue to look outside we focus on the things that we can’t change. This is only going to make you feel sad or dissatisfied with your own performance.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. – Carl Jung

If you are solely looking around you there is less opportunity for growth. This is because you are projecting yourself on the outside world. However if you start looking inside of yourself you are more likely to enjoy true benefits. If you talk to someone who meditates what the benefits of meditation are they tell that you learn a lot by taking the time to look at themselves. Take a honest look at yourself to determine who you are and what you will become. Looking at yourself you can think about what you want to achieve and how you have to act to be that person.

Imagine that you want to become someone who can run a marathon. In order to be able to do a marathon you might have to change many things in your life. Instead of looking what you have to do you can try to imagine yourself become someone who runs marathons. Because you see yourself doing this your mind and body will prepare towards being the person who can achieve it. Look inside yourself and you will truly awake seeing what you are capable of doing. No one should be hindered by their current situation and circumstances. Acknowledge that you can achieve greatness and you will get there.