Stay in contact with your ennemies and enjoy the benefits

Stay in contact even with the people you like less

We spend the most time with our friends and family, the people we like the most. This is normal and should not be undone. However also pay attention and spend time with your ennemies.

In our day we only have 24 hours. If you only have 24 hours who would you rather spend your time with: your friends or ennemies? It’s the easiest to only spend time with the people you prefer. But there are benefits to spending time without fully enjoying yourself. Very often there are persons in your life that you have to be in contact with but who aren’t your friends. If you don’t avoid them you will allow yourself to learn to stay positive towards anyone. That is a very crucial skill when you start working for someone where you might find people you don’t like. While you may not always like being with them, you will have the possibility to learn something new from them. Every person is different and something that you aren’t able to learn from your friends might be learnable from the people you wouldn’t normally spend your time with.

If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. – Desmond Tutu

When we meet someone new we always have certain expectations from them, positive and negative. So you could expect someone to be not so nice to be around. Yet after spending time with them you may start to appreciate them for who there are. Instead of remaining with your old feeling towards them you may start to like them. While you may always talk to your friends about a certain subject for example how to party and enjoy yourself. The new person you allow in your life may be focussed more into health and how to improve their lifestyle. That you aren’t focussed on that healthy lifestyle just yet doesn’t mean that you will never pay attention to it. Instead of focussing solely on what you know already you can take this moment to learn and improve even if you don’t need to at this moment.

The person you were disliking may turn into your best friend. When we spend time with someone that person and you yourself will start to think that if you are spending so much time with them there is something to enjoy about them. You will not only look at the negative sides but you will also admire the positive vibe they bring into your life. If you continue to do this with whoever you dislike you will have more friends and be able to enjoy your time with anyone around you. Spending time with them shouldn’t be considered as a hard rule. If someone has an addiction you don’t have to be with them constantly. You can throw them a helping hand for trying to help them. However it has to come from within themselves, if they don’t want to be helped you can’t do much work. Don’t let their presence negatively impact your life and your choices. Ban them from your life when you don’t see a benefit in it anymore.
