Stay the course untill you receive what you want

Do you feel like you succeed at what you are doing?

To obtain certain rewards or complete goals you have to accept that they aren’t finished in a short amount of time. But how can you motivate yourself to keep going?

It looks simple enough to believe that you achieve goals as long as you continue to strive for them. However it might be easier said than done. You can’t just expect to focus on someting and waiting for your desired outcome to manifest. It’s important to feel as if you are succeeding without necessarily seeing the results. An example for this is studying for your degree. If the normal traject for your studies is a certain amount of years you could motivate yourself to continue studying untill those years are over. The problem with this mindset is that you focus on the perfect route, which may not be the route you are taking. You shouldn’t be solely focussed for the amount of time it would normally take, but you have to keep on pushing through untill you succeed.

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

If you set a goal for example to become healthy you should look at the person that you need to become to succeed at it. Think about yourself as a healthy person in a couple of years and what you need to have done to accomplish it. This person is not the one who goes out to binge drink 2 times in a week, doesn’t go to eat fast food 3 times a week or always goes home and lay in the couch for hours snacking on everything they have. Rather than staying with the status quo you can add small changes in your life so you can achieve your goals that you set for yourself.

Staying the course you set for yourself becomes easier the more productive you are. Think about having a week to finish a certain task to complete your goal. If you are postponing to finish your task and end up working on only on the last day you have wasted a lot of time. Finishing it right before the deadline will cause you to not have performed the best you could. If instead you start with small increments towards your goal from the first day you will end up where you need to be, and the performance will be better because you can work on it every day and change things that you aren’t happy with. Because you are performing better it will be easier to set yourself up for success completing your goals.