Staying healthy by not being bothered what others think

Don't pay attention to others

Everyone is aware of what it takes to become healthy. The most difficult part of it is to actually push threw negative reactions. have friends or family who don’t have the same outlook as you on the importance of health? It’s making turning your life around very difficult. A sentence you will hear very often is ‘why don’t you live a bit?’. This is something you will have to live with. When you focus on health while friends and family don’t, you have to push through.

If you bother yourself with what others think you will have to suffer some health consequences. It is possible to combine health and still maintain your friendships. Eventhough you should learn to defend your choices in life. Trust me it’s worth it to turn your life around focussing on your health. In the first place friends and family will understand it untill they see how extreme you focus on health. Then they will fight again in the end everyone understands what you want and respect the work you put into obtaining a good health.

All the money in the world can’t buy you back good health – Reba Mcentire

We always should think about family and friends no matter what situation. But sometimes you have to be selfish and think about yourself. What is the point sacrificing your health for joining your friends for binge drinking on a evening out with your friends? If you health is important for you, don’t step away for it so your friends will continue to like you. If the true you doesn’t like to binge drink, then don’t.

It’s not the easiest thing to decline to join your friends on the drinking evening. Going out and having fun is fine, but not if you don’t want to and just do it for maintaining your friendship. Find a way to enjoy time with your friends without feeling forced to do the things you don’t like to do. Propose going for a jog, going to an event or even propose to go out with them, not drinking and driving them home safely. Many things can lead to the same results.

Find out what level of health you would like to strive for and go for it. No matter of the consequences for family and friends. Don’t go for a mediocre or bad health under the excuse of not having to fight family and or friends. There is a fine line to find the balance between health and the people around you. It not an easy task to find the balance, but try to find the life you are happy to live.