Staying sane during pandemic

What to do while staying at home

Life is good, but during quarantaine we need to maintain our mental sanity. When you have been sick or potentially sick you have been put in quarantaine. When you have been spared to do this you probably had a lockdown for some amount of time. Even if this wasn’t the case it was highly advisable to stay at home.

But what have you done during all this time?  Hopefully you have been able to work from home or still go to work. It may not be the most enjoyable activity to spend your time at. But it allows you to maintain your income and have less time to be wondering around. If you have more free time now take advantage from it to learn new skills and expand your knowledge on different areas of life.

A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away – Phyllis McGinley

With working from home and staying home more often we need to experiment with new ways to enjoy ourselves. Some hobbies require us to leave our home and often times are not allowed anymore. Consider picking up your old hobbies or take a look at what your friends or family do. Who knows your can learn something from them to do in your free time. It can go from working out from home, learning to play an instrument, reading books, writing, cooking and so on.

One method to stay sane is by seeing the positive and maintain this look. You attract what you are thinking about. If you think about enjoying yourself you will start to find ways to have fun despite staying at home. The main thing to remember is to not only focus on a single method to spend your time. Expand your horizon, experiment with new activities that you can do on a daily basis.