Stop judging on someone’s body type

Everyone looks different

When you meet someone new one of the first things we get to see is the body that the other person has. If you see someone who is really fit we like to think that they take very good care of their body. But is this true or is this just a first look?

How someone looks is dependant on so many different things, that it is impossible to figure out how they are by judging their body type. There are some people with a bit more weight who take very good care of their body, they just don’t have the adventage that other people have. For example how strong of a metabolism you have will heavily influence how your body looks. There are a lot of people, me included in the past, who seemed to take care of their body, but in truth are eating so much crap. When you have a high metabolism you can eat almost anything and don’t increase in weight even a bit.

No one’s body is up for comment. No matter how small, how curvy, how round, how flat. If you love you, then I love you. – Shonda Rhimes

Only when you have been going through a difficult ttime with your time you will realise on your own that not everything is under your controle. I always ate a lot of food, despite that it looked like I wasn’t eating enough. Someone may seem “too thin”, or seems like having “too much weight”. Never judge a book by it’s cover. It is not the look that defines who the person is. They may be the most succesfull people around while paying much attention to their health. Look at the person not their body type.

Something else to take into account into this topic is transgenders. People who identify to the opposite sex compared to their birth gender. Being born as a certain gender doesn’t mean you necessarily feel comfortable with it. There is no shame in feeling differently, acting out of the “norm” or deciding to change your life. Everyone can determine it for themselves and we should judge on any of it. Equally important is someones sexuality for the person themself, not for others. We have no reason to judge them on it. Homo- or bisexuality is the same as heterosexuality.