Stop keeping others down

Avoid creating this for the people around you

Doing something challenging yourself makes it very clear that there is always someone who doesn’t follow your view on the future. A different view doesn’t hurt, unless it hinders you to move forward. But what about you, do you support everyone around you, no matter what they want to do?

When your friends or family are setting up a plan that doesn’t follow the general path it’s easy to talk their plan down. What is the reason you don’t believe what they are doing? Their plan may consist of building a side hustle while working fulltime. Even if it requires them to put some of their money into it, what harm can it do? The worse it can do is lose them some of their savings. If they trust in what they do and keep working on it the chance of upside is real. It’s possible that the opportunity doesn’t succeed, but all the lessons it provides are well worth the effort and the potential costs.

Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don’t limit myself. – Jim Carrey

There are people out there that allow themselves to surpass other people their limits. However your friend may value your opinion and abandon their goal knowing how you think about it. When they have been going through a similar plan multiple times and they are bumping their head again you can tell them honestly that something might go wrong. If this is their first attempt at something give them the benefit of the doubt and support them. Being friends means supporting them in difficult times. This can be helping them out, giving them advice, but avoid lending money out to them. Borrowing and lending out money can hurt the greatest relationships.

We are only as good as the 5 people around us. You can either support your friends or hinder their potential, they can do the same to you. The potential of someone doesn’t lay in what they managed to do, but what they didn’t succeed at and what they learned from it. When someone has support they know there is room for failure and for learning. So join your friends and grow together instead of making it difficult. If you are alone you need to do everything by yourself. Don’t do everything alone and find good people to surround yourself with.