Stop purchasing unnecessary products

Stop buying
Stop buying everything

It’s so tempting to continue on purchasing like everyone close to use. Buying the new phone, upgrading to a expensive car or continueing to upgrade your furniture.

However keep on buying the stuff you don’t need and you will regret it in the long run. If you buy watever your heart desires at this very moment you will end up with a lot of material objects. To be having the most fun in life yet being sensable it’s best to delay your gratificatiton at least for a while. Look if you want to buy a new phone and think twice before moving onto it. If you don’t have an emergency fund don’t even consider going for it.

If you buy things you don’t need, you will soon sell things you need. – Warren Buffet

It’s very dissapointing seeing people buy all kinds of products while not having built their emergency fund. What can you do with your new phone compared to your old one if you end up in the hospital? Try to delay your gratification and work yourself up to a great future. If you buy things today that are useless you may end up having to sell something that you never wanted to sell. For example buying an expensive car now may force you to sell it later on because you quickly need some money.

Make sure to focus on your housing costs and food. After that create yourself an emergency fund. With every bit of money you earn after that you can use however you want to use it.