Stop worrying about everything

What are you worrying about?

At every moment of the day there is something that we can worry about, even at night we are not safe from the constant struggle. But does it have to be like that?

There are plenty of reasons why we are constantly worrying about something. Unfortunately worrying about it will not create opportunities or benefits. Instead of focussing so much about what could happen it’s better to just see what will happen and not to worry about the potential outcome. It’s easier said than done, however we should give it a fair chance to be less stressed in our daily life. Being less stressed will also help us to find a solution to every problem easier. Because when we are stressed our performance and our ciritical thinking will decrease immensely.

If there is no solution to the problem then don’t waste time worrying about it. If there is a solution to the problem then don’t waste time worrying about it. – Dalai Lama

The quote from Dalai Lama really hits home when you think about it. If you know the issue has already been created and there is no solution to fixing it then why are you worrying? There is nothing you can do anyway, so it’s better to find something to recuperate from it. For example if you got injured working out you could stress yourself that you wont be able to work out. Because you are stressing about it your health will also suffer from it. However if you accept that you wont be able to continue what you did before you can find methods to still work out just not as much that left bicep, the right should or your left knee.

On the other side if a problem has arrived and you already now what the solution is then why would you worry further? For example in the weekend you find out that you made a small mistake at work on friday. Why ruin your entire weekend by worrying about the negative impact it has? If there is no way no solve the problem you can just come clean about the problem, maybe someone else comes up with a solution or you and your peers will just have to take the blame for what has happened. This could cost your company a bit, but that is the risk someone takes starting a company. Everyone makes mistakes, as long as you don’t repeat the same mistake and you learn from them.