Structure provides freedom

How does your structure looks like?

Life can be chaotic to combat this create your structure to maintain composure. For example think about how you had certain homework to do when going home. There are some options, either you do them directly when you get home, you wait or you don’t do it. If you manage to persist through your homework early on the rest of the evening you are completely free to do whatever you like. It may be laying in the couch watching a serie, going to workout, going out watching a movie with friends, do something else with them or anything you would like.

Providing yourself with a good structure is highly undervalued. For example if you have a fulltime job you can see many colleagues checking their social media or they phone a couple of times an hour. It may not look like much, but unfortunately it decreases your productivity. So it either forces you to work longer to do the same amount of work or you are unable to perform as much as you would have done otherwise. If you instead only use your phone during your breaks you will have a better focus and allow yourself to do more in less time.

It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. – Voltaire

Many would like to have more freedom, but don’t realise what it requires. If you expect to be stuck you will never encounter freedom. However if you have a great structure in your life you either have freedom or can manage to obtain it later on in life. For example when you are young it’s tempting to be spending your money on anything you desire. But if you structure your spending by allowing yourself to save money and to invest you are unlocking the possibility of being financially free later in life. Yes, this can be a difficult challenge, however if you don’t believe you can do it you will never but the effort to do it. At the same time you will not  look for the structure you need.

To change any area of your life you need to think about your life and where you need more structure. If you need your health to improve structure your daily meals by either preparing your food in the weekend or purchase the ingredients in the weekend so you don’t have to go shopping at the start of the week. When you only have to follow the structure that you have set without having to think about it everything becomes easier and you will enjoy the freedom it brings. Having most meals either prepared or ingredients bought there are many meals created without much effort. So when there is one day or one meal you want to cheat a little you have the freedom to do it now. Because of all the great meals you have the freedom for change.