Succeed by attempting new things

Achieve success by going through failure

We feel like failure is negative and will decrease our results. Attempt enough new things throw the ball wrong and get the positive results of failing. There is always something to learn and not succeeding at your first attempt delivers the best results.

Sometimes we say failing doesn’t exist, others say that failure is a building block towards growth. If your first job isn’t a succes you find out for yourself what you liked there and what you need to improve on for your next adventure. When meeting people that are successful everyone talks about their great achievements and how they never fail. But the truth is that the only reason they end up being so successful is because how they learned from the mistakes they made early on.

If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. – Thomas J. Watson

The most well-known successful entrepreneurs often have a story or two of private or professional failures. Even people like Jeff Bezos have had their misfortune in their early years. Trying to get back up from it they use their willpower to turn the wheel around and end up being at the top of what they do. From these stories take what you need to motivate yourself. If something bad happens to you like getting fired realise that this may just be the boost you need. You will find out for yourself what happened and how you can grow due to this experience.

Spending your time learning something new may seem like a waste at first. Although even if you might not use it ever again simply getting in touch with it teaches you new skills you can use elsewhere. An example is learning to juggle, you can spend a couple of minutes a day to learn the new skill. When juggling you are improving your hand eye coordination. This can be used in your daily life and will allow you to catch falling objects that others drop next to you. You may never be juggling ever again, but at least you have added a usefull skill.